Enabling Prosperous Futures.
We develop some of the most scalable & truly sustainable digital infrastructure initiatives on the planet.
We are the Cerulean Circle.
Meta Structures
activating the largest grassroots teenage reform movement for The Vatican

Real Metaverses
organizing Earth Observation for the
European Space Agency

transforming hard-coded processes into
DHL + Deutsche Post Internet of Services

Digital transformation means making reality more purposeful, more imaginative & therefore more valuable than it was before.

Connecting businesses with market partners & even competitors in order to create a self-sustainable and revenue regenerating market ecosystem which greatly mitigates operational + investment risk.

Pairing up businesses with their natural environments to reduce costs to capital, maximize efficiencies & create new revenue streams by responsibly managing resources.

Connecting & simulating complex business systems such that entire regions or economies can model decisions around sound principles which are tested against reality in the living world.
An adaptive object-oriented language that componentizes each web object into a functioning business utility.

A broader interoperating system that can instantly integrate with any other OS, any other programming language & deploy platforms or applications in real-time.

which is an Internet of Autonomously Interoperable Services with capabilities well beyond blockchains, DLTs, Web3 protocols, Web5 rumors & even quantum processing/computational methods.
A next-generation of serverless Kubernetes-like virtual machines-to-machines (m2m) with autonomous node configuration & storage for ultimate compute efficiency.

The C² Sound Currency is a medium of transfer that functions on a joules standard.
It is completely stable, generates energy without flationary risk & is the only environmentally sustainable currency instrument of its kind, anywhere in the world.
Given a basket of programmable money and sovereign currencies now in development, the C² Sound Currency can be used without dollar or coin denominations and can convert any monetary unit into embodied energy.
Business partners Marcel Donges & Gunther Sonnenfeld met over a decade ago when Marcel was the Chief Architect of Smart Cities Stuttgart, while Gunther was a partner in an early-stage venture fund (K5).
Known for using their technology skills to help build innovative companies & specialized markets all over the world, it became increasingly clear that what’s missing in any business ecosystem is a way to significantly reduce the risk on investment, while leveraging all the value of its people, its resources & good intentions.
Marcel & Gunther have combined forces, along with their networks, to make a mark on a global economy desperately in need of alternative infrastructure, as well as systemic approaches that sustain lives, natural resources & responsible revenue streams.
Marcel & Gunther are Christians who support all life on this planet - a planet seeking a full-scale biospheric rebalance.
Their mission is straightforward: To leave a legacy on this planet worth stewarding for generations to come.

System Architect + Enterprise Technologist
Advanced Data & Post-Quantum Cryptography
- co-founder of RAIRtech
(encrypted streaming NFT platform) - 8th startup - co-developer of first Bitcoin point-of-sale system;
various early blockchain projects - Forrester Groundswell Award - Adobe social analytics;
Skype small biz coefficient - 25 years whole systems collaborations
(MIT, USC, EPFL, Claremont McKenna, UC Irvine) - Inventor, Smart Ecologies (regenerative);
Holonomials (algorithmic) - former government advisor,
counterintel system analysis/joint cyber ops

System Architect + Enterprise Technologist
Infrastructure Development & Global iOS Innovator
- created the first P2P interoperating system
(WODA/ONCE/COAST IoS) - former CTO, Huawei Europe;
Lead Developer, numerous digital industrial ecosystems - Chief Architect of Smart Cities, IoT Stuttgart
- infrastructure build-out to $1B/YR in revenue - Founder, Cerulean Circle GmbH,
30 projects incl. European Space Agency - Inventor, Superkernels;
Web 4/WebNext programming; Systemic Business Design - ex-Military, German Special Forces
- Project Theseus:
Internet of Services - Project Rapid SOA:
Deutsche Post revival - Logistics Merger:
Deutsche Post & DHL - Smart City Launch:
Stuttgart, Germany - Project Imaginea:
Clean Energy Incubator - Smart Ecologies Prep:
Magic City, Miami - Logistics Grid:
Alliance Digital Wareflow - Metamodel:
MOF Common Warehouse - Metaverse:
Rhein Ruhr Metropole - Logistics Cluster:
100 intralogistics centers - Efficiency Cluster:
120 Fraunhofer Partners - Total Eclipse:
Largest Synchronized Software release ever

The opportunities are endless when we are in service to people & planet.